Maximizing productivity and optimizing maintenance through advanced vibration analysis and early detection.
m.predict uses complex, route-based, and online vibration signature analysis for the early detection of potential failures, enabling steel producers to act quickly and avoid unscheduled downtime and, ultimately, potential disaster. Given that steel plants are home to sophisticated variable load and variable speed machinery, with multiple moving components all designed to work in perfect harmony, the loss of any one link in the chain could result in the breakdown of the entire system, so early detection of imminent failure is imperative. To identify potential problems it combines the analysis of mechanical vibration signatures with comprehensive knowledge about equipment design and function. Early detection is crucial to extending the lifecycle of equipment and maximizing plant utilization, while also allowing maintenance to be optimized and resources to be better managed.

m.predict in a nutshell
Primetals Technologies has leveraged its four decades of experience in vibration monitoring and analysis to develop a way to bridge the gap between traditional and more sophisticated condition monitoring methodologies. Incredibly rich data sets can be analyzed quickly and comprehensively to identify potential problems with assets and issue early warnings, while still keeping analysis costs to a minimum.