From the investment idea to the right decision
Target of the Primetals Technologies Business Development is to support our clients with a profound knowledge based service for the assessment of their investments. That Business Development Service comprises innovative ideas, creativity in establishing of revolutionary thinking patterns in joint cooperation with our client in order to solve upcoming challenges. That Business Development Service is on top of the conventional sales approach and supports our client in project definition, ecological and economical appraisal under consideration of application of innovative process technologies and development of financing opportunities.

Emphasis of Business Development
- Global trend in the steel industry combined with political environment
- Flow of capital and financing possibilities
- Trends in innovation and research development
Phases of Business Development
The initial situation has to be examined and defined with regard to:
- Product definition and related quality parameters
- Market analysis
- Sourcing concept of raw materials and utilities
- Site location, operating permissions and availability of infrastructure
- Product mix, technological route and capacity
- Overall plant lay-out and logistics
- Feasibility calculation including ROI
Reference Story: The world’s first WinLink Flex
GPH Ispat Ltd., Chittagong, Bangladesh
Type of plant
Our solution
A concept that allows virtually uninterrupted casting and rolling of long products. That project includes an EAF Quantum, a ladle furnace, a three-strand, high-speed continuous billet caster, and a bar and section mill. 815,000 metric tons per year of finished products and billets.