array (5 items)
settings =>
detailPid => '1838 ' (4 chars)
categories => '1 ' (1 chars)
products => '41,46,18,40,45,39,15,38,407,16,20,19,60,17 ' (42 chars)
whitelistedSubcategories => '2 ' (1 chars)
activeSubCategory => '2 ' (1 chars)
showHeadline => '0 ' (1 chars)
categories => (1 items)
00000000000021e50000000000000000 => (uid=1, pid=3067)
name => protected 'Eisenerzeugung ' (14 chars)
short => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected (5 items)
00000000000021bf0000000000000000 => (uid=2, pid=3069)
name => protected 'Sinteranlage ' (12 chars)
products => protected (69 items)
00000000000023300000000000000000 => (uid=39, pid=538)
name => protected 'Korngrößenüberwachung ' (21 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Akustische Messung der Materialkorngröße auf Förderbändern ' (58 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Die Korngröße und deren Verteilung beeinflusst das Fallgeräusch de s Materials an den Förderband-Verladestellen.</li> <li>Die Analyse des Gerä uschs ermöglicht die Erkennung von Fraktionen bestimmter Größen im Materials trom.</li> <li>Hohe Präzision – Erkennung von Materialien mit einem Feingut anteil von mehr als 3 % möglich</li> <li>Weitere Informationen über die Mat erialqualität</li> <li>Mehr Prozessstabilität durch eine verbesserte Datenb asis für Prozessmodelle</li> </ul> ' (490 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-008 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Grain Size Monitor ' (38 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 39 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2067 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 39 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000256f0000000000000000 => (uid=15, pid=538)
name => protected 'Intensive Mixing and Granulation System (IMGS®) ' (47 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'System zur Vorbereitung des Rohstoffgemisches für Sinteranlagen ' (63 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Verbesserte Homogenität des zugeführten Sinter-Gemisches</li> <li >Gleichmäßigere Durchbrennzone</li> <li>Optimale Steuerung des Durchbrennpu nkts</li> <li>Feine und ultrafeine Erze/Konzentrate und Rücklaufmaterial kö nnen wirtschaftlich gesintert werden.</li> <li>Mischplätze werden überflüss ig</li> <li>Höhere Produktivität</li> <li>Reduzierter Koksverbrauch</li> <li>Weniger Stromverbrauch </li> <li>Verbesserte Hochofen-Leistung</li> </ ul> ' (459 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-073 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Intensive Mixing and Granulation ' (52 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28074, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (8 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 15 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2044 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 15 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000026160000000000000000 => (uid=16, pid=538)
name => protected 'Selective Waste Gas Recirculation System (SWGR) ' (47 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Abgasrückführung für Sinteranlagen ' (34 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Rückführung des Sinterabgases in den Sinterstrang durch Nutzung de s CO-Anteils des Gases</li> <li>Reduktion der freigesetzten Abgasmenge um b is zu 50 %</li> <li>Senkung des Koksverbrauchs um bis zu 10 %</li> <li>Ger ingere Investitionskosten für Gasreinigungsanlagen, z. B. DeSOx-/DeNOx-Anlag en</li> <li>Verringerung der SOx- und NOx-Fracht in die Atmosphäre</li> </u l> ' (382 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-072 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Selective Waste Gas Recirculation ' (53 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=26131, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 16 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2045 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 16 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000026bf0000000000000000 => (uid=17, pid=538)
name => protected 'Vertikale Zündhaube ' (19 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Oben liegende Brenner zur Zündung des Sinterbetts ' (49 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Nutzung vom Koksgas, Erdgas oder ausschließlich Hochofengas und Mi schgas</li> <li>Kurze Ofenlänge</li> <li>Homogene und effiziente Zündung a n der Oberfläche des Sinterstrangs</li> <li>Gleichmäßige Wärmeverteilung in der Heizkammer </li> <li>Schnelle Wärmeübertragung</li> <li>Weniger CO2-E missionen</li> <li>Geringerer Verbrauch gasförmiger Kraftstoffe</li> <li>R eduzierte Menge am Rücklauf-Feinmaterial</li> </ul> ' (431 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-074 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Vertical Ignition Furnace ' (45 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28075, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (6 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 17 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2046 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 17 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000272c0000000000000000 => (uid=407, pid=538)
name => protected 'Scrap Profile Monitor ' (21 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Vollautomatisches Messsystem für 3D-Profil- und Volumen von Schrotthaufen ' (73 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Exakte Echtzeit-Volumen- und Profilmessung auf Schrott- und Materi allagerplätzen</li> <li>Geeignet für Schrott und andere Schüttgüter</li> < li>Ermöglicht vollautomatische Betriebsabläufe (Schrottladesteuerung, Stapel systeme, Rückblick , Krane, ...)</li> <li>Kontinuierliche und zuverlässige Bestandsaktualisierung im Lager</li> <li>Unterstützt das automatische Lager management</li> <li>Ermöglicht automatisiertes Bestellmanagement</li> <li> Mehr Produktivität durch automatisierte Scans<br /> </li> </ul> ' (521 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-130 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '204 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Scrap Profile Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=58429, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (33 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 407 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2177 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 407 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000028410000000000000000 => (uid=18, pid=538)
name => protected 'Kreisformkühler mit eingetauchter Schiene ' (41 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'System für hocheffiziente Sinterkühlung ' (39 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Stabile Sinterqualität für mehr Hochofenleistung</li> <li>Effizie nte Sinterkühlung durch optimierte Abdichtung und Beschickung</li> <li>Schn elle Inbetriebnahme und einfache Wartung</li> <li>Geringere Investitionskos ten </li> <li>Weniger Wartungskosten</li> <li>Effiziente Wärmenutzung (Zün dhaube, Abgasrückführungssystem)</li> </ul> ' (347 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-075 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Circular dip-rail cooler ' (44 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28078, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 18 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2047 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 18 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000028e10000000000000000 => (uid=19, pid=538)
name => protected 'Sinter Shaft Cooler ' (19 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'System für eine hocheffiziente und emissionsfreie Sinterkühlung ' (63 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Sinterkühlung durch geschlossene Schachtbauweise und Luftgegenstro mprinzip</li> <li>Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften des gekühlten S inters bleiben erhalten</li> <li>Keine negativen Auswirkungen auf die Umwel t</li> <li>Optimale Nutzung der Abwärme zur Stromerzeugung</li> <li>Verrin gerung des spezifischen Luftverbrauchs um ca. 50 bis 70 % im Vergleich zu ei nem kreisförmigen Kühler </li> </ul> ' (416 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-076 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Shaft Cooler ' (39 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28079, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 19 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2048 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 19 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000297e0000000000000000 => (uid=20, pid=538)
name => protected 'Sinterrohstoffgemisch-Analysator ' (32 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Robotiklösung für Sinteranlagen ' (31 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Industrieroboter für die vollautomatische Analyse von Rohstoffen</ li> <li>Standardisierte Entnahme von Rohstoffproben</li> <li>Hochflexible Messungen (Permeabilität, Dichte und Feuchtigkeit) von Sinter-Rohstoffgemisc hen</li> <li>Optimierung der Sinteranlagenparameter mit Echtzeitmessungen</ li> <li>Mehr Produktivität der Sinteranlage durch Kenntnis der Rohstoffpara meter</li> <li>Bessere Prozesssteuerung und stabiler Betrieb durch zuverläs sige und präzise Messungen</li> </ul> ' (493 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-077 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Raw Mix Analyzer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28080, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (35 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 20 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2049 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 20 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000002a810000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=538)
name => protected 'Material Type Monitor ' (21 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Automatische Erkennung des Materials auf Förderbändern ' (55 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Das Fallen des Materials an den Übergabestellen zweier Förderbände r verursacht charakteristische Geräusche</li> <li>Die Analyse dieser Geräus che ermöglicht die automatische Bestimmung der beförderten Materialien (z. B . Koks, Sinter, Kalk, Quarz, Erz, Pellets)</li> <li>Frühzeitiges Erkennen f alscher Materialzuordnungen</li> <li>Erkennen von Verunreinigungen durch an dere Materialien</li> <li>Zugabe falscher Materialien wird vermieden<br /> </li> </ul> ' (469 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-007 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Material Type Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2066 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000002b450000000000000000 => (uid=60, pid=538)
name => protected 'VAiron Sinter optimizer ' (23 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Prozessoptimierung für Sinteranlagen ' (36 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Expertensystem für standardisierte Störungsbeseitigung und Prozess steuerung – für schichtunabhängigen 24/7-Best-Practice-Betrieb</li> <li>Sta bilisierte Sinterqualität (reduzierte Standardabweichungs-Basizität von ca. 15 %)</li> <li>Senkung der Koksrate um bis zu 3 %</li> <li>Steigerung der Produktivität um bis zu 5 %</li> </ul> ' (342 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-032 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: VAiron Sinter optimizer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28103, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 60 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2085 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 60 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000002baf0000000000000000 => (uid=40, pid=538)
name => protected 'Entladungsüberwachung ' (21 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Akustische Überwachung der Entladung von LKWs oder Waggons ' (58 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Analyse der Fallgeräusche des Materials beim Entladen von Waggons oder LKW</li> <li>Erkennung von Entladezeit und Entladedauer</li> <li>Ermi ttlung des Fahrzeugtyps (z. B. LKW, Waggon)</li> <li>Erkennen nichtregistri erter Entladevorgänge </li> <li>Ermöglicht die Überwachung autonomer Materi alanlieferungen durch Zulieferer </li> <li>Unterstützt die Vermeidung unbea bsichtigter Rohstoffvermischungen in Bunkern</li> </ul> ' (435 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-009 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Discharge Monitor ' (37 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (7 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 40 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2068 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 40 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000002c460000000000000000 => (uid=41, pid=538)
name => protected 'Schlauchreinigungsüberwachung ' (29 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Akustische Überwachung von Pulse-Jet-Schlauchfilteranlagen ' (58 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Zustand und ordnungsgemäßer Betrieb von Reinigungssystemen haben e inen großen Einfluss auf die Gesamtleistung einer Schlauchfilteranlage.</li> <li>Analyse der charakteristischen Ventilgeräusche während des Betriebes </li> <li>Ermöglicht einen Überblick über den tatsächlichen Zustand und die Reinigungsleistung</li> <li>Zustandsüberwachung aller Ventile einer Schlau chfilteranlage mit nur einem akustischen Sensor</li> <li>Die automatisierte 24/7-Überwachung der Schlauchfilteranlage ermöglicht eine präzise und effiz iente Wartung </li> <li>Mehr Verfügbarkeit und Leistung der Schlauchfiltera nlage </li> </ul> ' (625 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-010 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Cleaning Monitor ' (40 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28088, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (25 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 41 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2069 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 41 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000002d640000000000000000 => (uid=45, pid=538)
name => protected 'Equipment Position Monitor ' (26 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Zuverlässige Lokalisierung und Tracking metallurgischer Ausrüstungen im gesa mten Stahlwerk ' (90 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Vollautomatische Gerätelokalisierung auf Basis von RFID- oder 3D-T echnologie</li> <li>Anwendbar etwa für Pfannen, Torpedowagen, Schlackenkübe l, Schrottkörbe, Schrottschurren, Verteiler, Kaltstrang, Palettenwagen</li> <li>Ermöglicht automatisches Tracking, Scheduling und die Optimierung von G eräten</li> <li>Keine Fehler durch manuelle Eingabe</li> <li>Einfache Iden tifizierung von Bottlenecks </li> <li>Effiziente Wartung durch genaue Kennt nis der Gerätehistorie</li> <li>Längere Lebensdauer und höhere Auslastung d er Geräte</li> </ul> ' (552 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-011 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Equipment Position Monitor ' (46 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28090, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (8 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 45 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2073 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 45 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000002e160000000000000000 => (uid=46, pid=538)
name => protected 'Schlauchfiltersteuerung ' (23 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Intelligente Steuerung der Schlauchfilterreinigung für Entstaubungsanlagen ' (74 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Modulares Software-Design und HMI für einfache Integration in best ehende Systeme</li> <li>Verschiedene Reinigungsmodi für unterschiedliche Pr ozessphasen</li> <li>Dynamische Impulslängenoptimierung für beste Reinigung sergebnisse </li> <li>Überwachung des Ventilstroms während der Reinigung</l i> <li>Effiziente Schlauchfilterreinigung</li> <li>Weniger Luftverbrauch < /li> <li>Reduzierter Stromverbrauch des ID-Lüfters</li> </ul> ' (442 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-012 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Filter Controller ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28091, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 46 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 2074 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 46 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000001b260000000000000000 => (uid=19, pid=538)
name => protected 'Sinter Shaft Cooler ' (19 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'System for high efficient and emission-free sinter cooling ' (58 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Sinter cooling by means of a closed shaft design and counter curre nt air flow principle</li> <li>Maintain physical and chemical properties of cooled sinter</li> <li>Elimination of environmental impact</li> <li>Maxim um possible heat utilization for power generation</li> <li>Reduction of spe cific air demand by approx. 50 up to 70% compared to circular cooler </li> < /ul> ' (384 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-076 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Shaft Cooler ' (39 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28079, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (25 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 19 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1034 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 19 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000002e900000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=538)
name => protected 'Material Type Monitor ' (21 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Automatic identification of the type of material on conveyor belts ' (66 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>The falling of materials at takeover points of two conveyor belts causes characteristic sounds</li> <li>Analysis of the sounds enables online determination of type of actual transported material (e.g. nut coke, sinter , lime, quartz, ore, pellets,...)</li> <li>Early detection of wrong assignm ent of materials</li> <li>Recognition if materials are contaminated by othe r materials</li> <li>Prevention of wrong material charging<br /> </li> </ ul> ' (459 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-007 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Material Type Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1037 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000002f550000000000000000 => (uid=407, pid=538)
name => protected 'Scrap Profile Monitor ' (21 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Fully automated 3D profile and volume measurement system for scrap piles ' (72 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Exact volume and profile measurement in real time on scrap and mat erial yards</li> <li>Suitable for scrap and other bulk materials</li> <li> Basis for fully automated operations (Scrap Loading Controller, stackers, re claimers, cranes, …)</li> <li>Continuous and reliable inventory update of t he material in the yard</li> <li>Supports automatic warehouse management</l i> <li>Enables automated order management</li> <li>Increased productivity through automated scans<br /> </li> </ul> ' (499 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-130 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '204 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Scrap Profile Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=58429, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (33 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 407 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1065 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 407 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000303e0000000000000000 => (uid=19, pid=538)
name => protected '烧结矿竖冷窑 ' (6 chars)
shortDescription => protected '高效率、零排放的烧结冷却系统 ' (14 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>利用封闭的竖冷窑设计和空气逆向流动的原理进行烧结矿冷却</li> <li>冷却后烧结矿的物理和化学性质保持不变</li> <li >消除了环境影响</li> <li>尽可能利用余热来发电</li> <li>单位空气需要量与环形冷却机相比减少大约50 – 70% </li> </ ul> ' (155 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-076 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Shaft Cooler ' (39 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28079, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 19 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1516 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 19 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000030830000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=538)
name => protected '物料类型监测器 ' (7 chars)
shortDescription => protected '自动识别传送带上的物料类型 ' (13 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>物料在两条传送带的交接点落下时发出特征性声音</li> <li>通过对声音进行分析,能够在线确定实际运输物料的类型(比如碎焦、烧结 矿、石灰、石英、铁矿石、球团矿等等)</li> <li>能够及早发现物料分配的错误</li> <li>能够发现物料是否同其他材料混杂</li> < li>防止发生装料错误<br /> </li> </ul> ' (183 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-007 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Material Type Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1519 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000031760000000000000000 => (uid=407, pid=538)
name => protected '废钢形状监测器 ' (7 chars)
shortDescription => protected '废钢料场三维形状和体积的全自动测量系统 ' (19 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>在废钢和原料场实时进行准确的体积和形状测量</li> <li>适用于废钢和其他散装材料</li> <li>为全自动操作打下基础( 废钢装料控制器,堆料机,取料机,天车,等等)</li> <li>连续、可靠地更新料场原料存量信息</li> <li>为自动仓储管理提供支持</li> <li>能够实施自动订单管理</li> <li>通过自动扫描提高生产效率<br /> </li> </ul> ' (211 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-130 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '204 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Scrap Profile Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=58429, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (33 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 407 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1547 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 407 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000325f0000000000000000 => (uid=19, pid=538)
name => protected 'Resfriador da cuba de sinterização ' (34 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Sistema para resfriamento de sínter de alta eficiência e sem emissões ' (69 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Resfriamento de sínter por meio de um projeto de cuba fechada base ado no princípio de contracorrente de ar </li> <li>Mantém as propriedades f ísicas e químicas do sínter resfriado</li> <li>Eliminação de impactos ambie ntais</li> <li>Máxima utilização possível do calor para geração de energia< /li> <li>Redução da demanda específica de ar em cerca de 50% a 70% quando c omparado com o resfriador circular </li> </ul> ' (426 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-076 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Shaft Cooler ' (39 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28079, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 19 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1556 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 19 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000032a40000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=538)
name => protected 'Monitor do tipo de material ' (27 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Identificação automática do tipo de material nas correias transportadoras ' (73 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>A queda do material nos pontos de tomada de duas correias transpor tadores gera sons característicos</li> <li>Análises acústicas possibilitam a determinação on-line do tipo de material sendo transportado (por exemplo, coque, sínter, quartzo, minério, pelotas...)</li> <li>Detecção precoce de a locação de materiais errados</li> <li>Detecção de contaminação do material por outros materiais</li> <li>Prevenção de carregamento de materiais errado s<br /> </li> </ul> ' (477 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-007 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Material Type Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1559 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000033970000000000000000 => (uid=407, pid=538)
name => protected 'Monitor do perfil de sucata ' (27 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Sistema totalmente automatizado para medição em 3D do volume e perfil de pil has de sucata ' (89 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Medição precisa e em tempo real de volume e perfil em pátios de su cata e materiais</li> <li>Adequado para sucata e outros materiais a granel< /li> <li>Base para operações totalmente automatizadas (controlador de carre gamento de sucata, empilhadeiras, recuperadoras, pontes rolantes, ...)</li> <li>Atualização contínua e confiável dos estoques de materiais no pátio</li > <li>Permite o gerenciamento automático de armazenagem</li> <li>Possibili ta o gerenciamento automatizado de pedidos</li> <li>Maior produtividade atr avés de varreduras automatizadas<br /> </li> </ul> ' (584 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-130 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '204 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Scrap Profile Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=58429, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (33 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 407 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1587 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 407 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000034800000000000000000 => (uid=15, pid=538)
name => protected 'Intensive Mixing and Granulation System (IMGS®) ' (47 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Raw mix preparation system for sinter plants ' (44 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Improved homogeneity of sinter raw feed</li> <li>More equalized b urn through zone</li> <li>Optimum burn through point control</li> <li>Fine and ultrafine ores / concentrates and revert material can be sintered econo mically</li> <li>Blending yards are obsolete</li> <li>Increased productivi ty</li> <li>Reduced coke consumption</li> <li>Reduced electric energy cons umption </li> <li>Improved performance of the blast furnaces</li> </ul> ' (452 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-073 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Intensive Mixing and Granulation ' (52 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28074, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (4 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 15 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1596 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 15 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000035000000000000000000 => (uid=16, pid=538)
name => protected 'Selective Waste-Gas Recirculation System (SWGR) ' (47 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Waste-gas recirculation for sinter plants ' (41 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Done through recirculation of sinter off-gas back to sinter strand by utilizing CO-content of the gas</li> <li>Reduction of amount of waste g as to the stack by up to 50%</li> <li>Reduction of coke consumption by up t o 10%</li> <li>Lower investment costs for gas-cleaning facilities, e.g. DeS Ox/DeNOx systems</li> <li>Reduction of SOx and NOx freight to the atmospher e</li> </ul> ' (392 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-072 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Selective Waste Gas Recirculation ' (53 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=26131, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 16 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1597 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 16 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000035820000000000000000 => (uid=17, pid=538)
name => protected 'Vertical Ignition Furnace ' (25 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Top burner system for ignition of sinter bed ' (44 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Usage of coke oven gas, natural gas as well as only blast furnace gas and mixed gas</li> <li>Short furnace length</li> <li>Homogenous and ef ficient ignition on surface of the sinter strand</li> <li>Uniform heat dist ribution in the heating chamber </li> <li>Fast heat transfer</li> <li>Redu ced CO2 emission</li> <li>Reduced gaseous fuel consumption</li> <li>Reduce d return fines rate</li> </ul> ' (410 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-074 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Vertical Ignition Furnace ' (45 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28075, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (3 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 17 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1598 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 17 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000035f10000000000000000 => (uid=18, pid=538)
name => protected 'Circular Dip-rail Cooler ' (24 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'System for high efficient sinter cooling ' (40 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Stable sinter quality for BF performance</li> <li>Efficient sinte r cooling by reduction of cooling air volume and electrical energy consumpti on due to optimized sealing and charging</li> <li>Fast start up and easy ma intenance</li> <li>Decrease of investment costs </li> <li>Decrease of main tenance costs</li> <li>Effective utilization of heat (ignition furnace, was te gas recirculation system)</li> </ul> ' (419 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-075 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Circular dip-rail cooler ' (44 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28078, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 18 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1599 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 18 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000369e0000000000000000 => (uid=20, pid=538)
name => protected 'Sinter Raw Mix Analyzer ' (23 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Robotic solution for sinter plants ' (34 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Industrial robot for fully automatic raw material analysis</li> < li>Standardized raw material sampling</li> <li>Highly flexible measurements (permeability, density and humidity) of sinter raw mix</li> <li>Optimizati on of sinter plant parameters with real-time measurements</li> <li>Increase productivity of sinter plant due to knowledge of raw material parameter</li > <li>Better process control and stable operation due to reliable and preci se measurements</li> </ul> ' (482 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-077 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Raw Mix Analyzer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28080, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (35 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 20 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1600 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 20 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000037720000000000000000 => (uid=39, pid=538)
name => protected 'Grain Size Monitor ' (18 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Acoustic measurement of material grain size on conveyor belts ' (61 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Grain size distribution influences the dropping sound of materials at conveyor belt takeover points</li> <li>Analysis of sound enables online determination of a certain size fraction within a material flow on conveyor belts</li> <li>High accuracy - detection of materials containing more than 3% fines possible</li> <li>More information about material quality</li> < li>Increased process stability due to improved data basis for process models </li> </ul> ' (467 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-008 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Grain Size Monitor ' (38 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 39 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1615 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 39 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000381b0000000000000000 => (uid=40, pid=538)
name => protected 'Discharge Monitor ' (17 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Acoustic monitoring of truck or wagon discharging ' (49 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Analysis of sounds that occur, when material falls from wagons or trucks during unloading</li> <li>Determination of unloading time and unload ing duration</li> <li>Identification of vehicle type (e.g. truck, wagon)</l i> <li>Recognition of unregistered truck or train unloadings</li> <li>Make s supervision of autonomous material delivery by suppliers possible </li> < li>Enables prevention of unintentionally mixed raw materials in bunkers</li> </ul> ' (462 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-009 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Discharge Monitor ' (37 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (7 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 40 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1616 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 40 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000038ae0000000000000000 => (uid=41, pid=538)
name => protected 'Bag Cleaning Monitor ' (20 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Acoustic monitoring of pulse jet bag filter plants ' (50 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Condition and proper operation of cleaning equipment have a huge i nfluence on the overall performance of a bag filter plant</li> <li>Analysis of characteristic and unique sounds of valves emitted during operation </li > <li>Provides an overview of the actual condition and cleaning performance </li> <li>Condition monitoring of all valves of a bag filter plant with onl y one acoustic sensor</li> <li>Automated 24/7 bag filter plant monitoring e nables precise and efficient maintenance </li> <li>Increased bag filter pla nt availability and performance </li> </ul> ' (575 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-010 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Cleaning Monitor ' (40 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28088, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (25 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 41 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1617 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 41 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000039880000000000000000 => (uid=45, pid=538)
name => protected 'Equipment Position Monitor ' (26 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Reliable identification and tracking of metallurgical equipment throughout t he steel plant ' (90 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Fully automated localization of equipment based on RFID or 3D feat ure identification</li> <li>Applicable for e.g. ladles, torpedos, slag pots , scrap buckets, scrap chutes, tundish, dummy bar, pallet cars</li> <li>Bas is for fully automatic equipment tracking, scheduling and optimization</li> <li>No mistakes caused by manual input</li> <li>Easy identification of bot tlenecks </li> <li>Maintenance support thanks to exact knowledge of equipme nt history</li> <li>Increased equipment durability and utilization</li> </u l> ' (534 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-011 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Equipment Position Monitor ' (46 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28090, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (4 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 45 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1621 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 45 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003a3a0000000000000000 => (uid=46, pid=538)
name => protected 'Bag Filter Controller ' (21 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Smart control of bag filter cleaning for dedusting plants ' (57 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Modular software design and HMI for easy integration into existing systems</li> <li>Different cleaning modes for different process phases</li > <li>Dynamic pulse length optimization for best cleaning results </li> <l i>Monitoring of valve current during cleaning</li> <li>Increased efficiency of bag filter cleaning process</li> <li>Reduced air consumption for cleani ng process</li> <li>Reduced energy consumption of ID fan</li> </ul> ' (448 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-012 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Filter Controller ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28091, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 46 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1622 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 46 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003ae90000000000000000 => (uid=60, pid=538)
name => protected 'VAiron Sinter optimizer ' (23 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Process optimization for sinter plants ' (38 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Expert system for standardized corrective action and control—24/7 shift-independent best-practice operation</li> <li>Stabilized sinter qualit y (reduced standard deviation basicity ~ 15%)</li> <li>Reduction of coke ra te of up to 3%</li> <li>Increase in productivity of up to 5%</li> </ul> ' (300 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-032 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: VAiron Sinter optimizer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28103, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 60 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1631 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 60 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003b640000000000000000 => (uid=15, pid=538)
name => protected 'Система интенсивного перемешивания и гранулирования (IMGS®) ' (59 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Система подготовки шихты для аглофабрик ' (39 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Повышенное усреднение аглошихты</li> <li>Улучшение уравновешеннос ти параметров в зоне агломерации</li> <li>Оптимизация регулирования позиции точки агломерации</li> <li>Мелочь, сверхтонкая рудная мелочь, концентраты и оборотные материалы пригодны к рентабельной агломерации</li> <li>Отсутств ие необходимости в усреднительных складах</li> <li>Повышение производительн ости</li> <li>Сокращенный расход кокса</li> <li>Сокращение расхода электро энергии </li> <li>Повышение производительности доменной печи</li> </ul> ' (528 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-073 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Intensive Mixing and Granulation ' (52 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28074, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (8 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 15 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1698 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 15 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003be70000000000000000 => (uid=16, pid=538)
name => protected 'Селективная рециркуляция отходящих газов (SWGR) ' (47 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Рециркуляция отходящих газов для аглофабрик ' (43 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Выполняется с помощью возврата отходящих газов на аглоленту, испол ьзуя газ СО в данных газах</li> <li>Сокращение объема отходящих газов на ды мовую трубу до 50%</li> <li>Снижение расхода кокса до 10%</li> <li>Снижени е инвестзатрат на агрегаты газоочистки, например, Системы DeSOx+DeNOx;</li> <li>Сокращение выбросов SOx и NOx в атмосферу </li> </ul> ' (362 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-072 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Selective Waste Gas Recirculation ' (53 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=26131, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 16 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1699 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 16 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003c690000000000000000 => (uid=17, pid=538)
name => protected 'Вертикальный запальный горн ' (27 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Система верхних горелок для зажигания слоя агломерата ' (53 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Использование коксового газа, природного газа, а также чистого кол ошникового газа и газовой смеси</li> <li>Малая длина горна</li> <li>Равном ерное и эффективное зажигание поверхности материала на агломерационной ленте </li> <li>Равномерное распределение тепла в камере нагрева </li> <li>Быстр ота теплопередачи</li> <li>Сокращение выбросов СО2</li> <li>Сокращение пот ребления газообразного топлива;</li> <li>Сокращение объема обратной мелочи< /li> </ul> ' (466 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-074 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Vertical Ignition Furnace ' (45 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28075, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (6 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 17 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1700 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 17 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003cd80000000000000000 => (uid=18, pid=538)
name => protected 'Кольцевой охладитель с углубленным рельсом ' (42 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Система для высокоэффективного охлаждения агломерата ' (52 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Стабильное качество агломерата для доменного производства</li> <l i>Эффективное охлаждение агломерата за счет сокращения объема воздуха охлажд ения и расхода электроэнергии благодаря оптимальным системам уплотнения и за грузки</li> <li>Оперативность пуска в эксплуатацию и простота техобслуживан ия</li> <li>Сокращение инвестиционных затрат </li> <li>Сокращение затрат н а техобслуживание</li> <li>Эффективное использование тепла (зажигательный г орн, система рециркуляции отходящих газов)</li> </ul> ' (509 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-075 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Circular dip-rail cooler ' (44 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28078, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 18 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1701 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 18 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003d850000000000000000 => (uid=19, pid=538)
name => protected 'Шахтный холодильник для агломерата ' (34 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Система для высокоэффективного и незагрязняющего охлаждения агломерата ' (70 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Охлаждение агломерата с помощью шахты закрытой конструкции и проти вотока воздуха </li> <li>Сохранение физико-химических свойств охлажденного агломерата </li> <li>Устранение воздействий на окружающую среду </li> <li> Максимально возможное использование тепла для генерации электроэнергии </li> <li>Сокращение удельной потребности в воздухе прибл. на 50 - 70% по сравне нию с кольцевым охладителем </li> </ul> ' (420 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-076 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Shaft Cooler ' (39 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28079, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 19 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1702 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 19 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003dbc0000000000000000 => (uid=20, pid=538)
name => protected 'Анализатор аглошихты ' (20 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Роботизированные решения для аглофабрик ' (39 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Промышленный робот для полноавтоматического анализа сырья </li> < li>Унифицированный отбор проб от сырья </li> <li>Измерения аглошихты с высо кой гибкостью (газопроницаемость, плотность и влажность)</li> <li>Оптимизац ия параметров аглофабрики с помощью измерений в реальном времени </li> <li> Повышенная производительность аглофабрики благодаря знаниям параметров сырья </li> <li>Улучшение управления технологическим процессом и стабильность эк сплуатации благодаря надежности и точности измерений</li> </ul> ' (519 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-077 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Raw Mix Analyzer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28080, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (35 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 20 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1703 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 20 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003ed10000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=538)
name => protected 'Отслеживание типа материалов ' (28 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Автоматическое определение типа материалов на конвейерных лентах ' (64 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Падение материала в точках перегрузки с конвейера на конвейер сопр овождается характерным звуком </li> <li>Анализ звуков позволяет определять в реальном времени фактический тип транспортируемого материала (например, ко ксовый орешек, агломерат, известь, кварц, руда, окатыши...)</li> <li>Раннее распознавание некорректного назначения материалов </li> <li>Распознавание загрязнения одного материала другим </li> <li>Предотвращение загрузки некор ректного материала <br /> </li> </ul> ' (495 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-007 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Material Type Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1720 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000003f870000000000000000 => (uid=39, pid=538)
name => protected 'Отслеживание гранулометрического состава ' (40 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Акустическое измерение гранулометрического состава на конвейерных лентах ' (72 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Различия в гранулометрическом составе определяют звук падения мате риала в точках перегрузки с конвейера на конвейер</li> <li>Анализ звука поз воляет в реальном времени распознавать на конвейерных лентах определенную фр акцию, движущуюся в потоке материала </li> <li>Высокая точность - возможнос ть определения материалов, содержащих более 3% мелочи</li> <li>Больше инфор мации о качестве материалов </li> <li>Увеличение стабильности технологическ ого процесса благодаря улучшенной базе данных для моделей технологического п роцесса </li> </ul> ' (551 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-008 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Grain Size Monitor ' (38 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 39 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1721 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 39 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000040290000000000000000 => (uid=40, pid=538)
name => protected 'Отслеживание разгрузки ' (22 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Акустический контроль разгрузки автотранспорта или вагонов ' (58 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Анализ звуков, создающихся во время разгрузки при падении материал а из вагонов или грузовиков</li> <li>Определение времени и продолжительност и разгрузки </li> <li>Определение типа транспортного средства (например, гр узовик, вагон)</li> <li>Распознавание разгрузки незарегистрированного грузо вика или вагона </li> <li>Создает для поставщиков возможность контроля авто номных поставок материала </li> <li>Предотвращает непреднамеренное перемеши вание материалов в бункерах </li> </ul> ' (495 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-009 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Discharge Monitor ' (37 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (7 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 40 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1722 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 40 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000040bc0000000000000000 => (uid=45, pid=538)
name => protected 'Устройство позиционного контроля оборудования ' (45 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Надежная идентификация и сопровождение металлургического оборудования на все м металлургическом агрегате ' (103 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Определение расположения оборудования полностью в автоматическом р ежиме на основании системы идентификации RFID или объемных характеристик </l i> <li>Применяется, например, для ковшей, чугуновозов, шлаковых чаш, скрапн ых корзин, скрапных совков, промковшей, затравок, спекательных тележек </li> <li>Основа для сопровождения, составления графиков и оптимизации оборудова ния в полностью автоматическом режиме </li> <li>Отсутствие ошибок из-за руч ного ввода </li> <li>Простота идентификации узких мест </li> <li>Поддержка в процессе техобслуживания благодаря точному знанию истории оборудования</l i> <li>Увеличение стойкости и использования оборудования </li> </ul> ' (677 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-011 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Equipment Position Monitor ' (46 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28090, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (8 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 45 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1727 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 45 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000416e0000000000000000 => (uid=46, pid=538)
name => protected 'Контроллер рукавного фильтра ' (28 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Интеллектуальная технология очистки рукавных фильтров установок газоочистки ' (75 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Модульное построение программного обеспечения и ЧМИ для простоты в недрения в существующие системы</li> <li>Различные модели очистки для разли чных этапов технологического процесса </li> <li>Оптимизация продолжительнос ти динамического импульса для получения наилучших результатов очистки </li> <li>Отслеживание токов клапана во время очистки </li> <li>Увеличение КПД процесса очистки рукавных фильтров </li> <li>Сокращение расхода воздуха для процесса очистки</li> <li>Снижение расхода энергии на дымосос </li> </ul> ' (531 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-012 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Filter Controller ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28091, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 46 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1728 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 46 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000421d0000000000000000 => (uid=60, pid=538)
name => protected 'Оптимизатор процесса агломерации VAiron Sinter Optimizer ' (56 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Оптимизация технологического процесса для аглофабрик ' (52 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Экспертная система для унифицированных корректирующих мероприятий и управления: наилучший способ круглосуточного управления, не зависящего от смен</li> <li>Стабильное качество агломерата (снижение стандартного отклоне ния по основности ок. 15%)</li> <li>Снижение доли кокса до 3%</li> <li>Пов ышение производительности до 5%</li> </ul> ' (346 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-032 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: VAiron Sinter optimizer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28103, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 60 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1739 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 60 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000042980000000000000000 => (uid=407, pid=538)
name => protected 'Отслеживание габаритов лома ' (27 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Полностью автоматизированное измерение габаритов и объема штабелей лома в 3D -режиме ' (83 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Точное измерение объема и профиля лома и материалов на складе в ре альном времени</li> <li>Пригодность системы для лома и прочих насыпных мате риалов материалов</li> <li>Основа для эксплуатации в полном автоматизирован ном режиме (контроллер загрузки скрапа, укладчики, заборщики, краны...)</li> <li>Непрерывное и надежное обновление информации о запасах материалов на с кладе</li> <li>Поддержка для автоматизированной системы управления складами </li> <li>Возможность автоматизированного управления заказами </li> <li>По вышение производительности благодаря автоматизированному сканированию <br /> </li> </ul> ' (622 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-130 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '204 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Scrap Profile Monitor ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=58429, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (33 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 407 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1831 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 407 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000438e0000000000000000 => (uid=15, pid=538)
name => protected '强力混料和制粒系统(IMGS®) ' (16 chars)
shortDescription => protected '烧结厂原料制备系统 ' (9 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>提高烧结原料均匀性</li> <li>提高烧透区稳定性</li> <li>优化烧透点控制</li> <li>能够经济地烧结粉矿 和超细粉矿/精矿和返回料</li> <li>取消混料场</li> <li>提高产能</li> <li>降低焦炭消耗</li> <li>降低电能消 耗 </li> <li>改善高炉性能</li> </ul> ' (182 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-073 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Intensive Mixing and Granulation ' (52 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28074, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (8 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 15 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1840 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 15 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000440e0000000000000000 => (uid=16, pid=538)
name => protected '选择性废气循环系统(SWGR) ' (15 chars)
shortDescription => protected '烧结厂废气循环 ' (7 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>烧结废气循环返回烧结床,使富含CO的废气得到利用</li> <li>通过烟囱排放的废气量减少50%之多</li> <li>焦炭消 耗可降低10%</li> <li>气体净化设施的投资成本得以降低,比如 DeSOx/DeNOx系统</li> <li>排入大气的SOx和NOx大幅减 少</li> </ul> ' (164 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-072 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Selective Waste Gas Recirculation ' (53 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=26131, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 16 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1841 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 16 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000044900000000000000000 => (uid=17, pid=538)
name => protected '立式点火炉 ' (5 chars)
shortDescription => protected '烧结床点火用顶部燃烧器系统 ' (13 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>使用焦炉煤气、天然气、高炉煤气或混合煤气</li> <li>炉体长度短</li> <li>烧结床表面点火均匀、高效</li> <li>加热室内热量分布均匀 </li> <li>传热速度快</li> <li>CO2排放少</li> <li>气体燃料消耗低</li> <li >返矿率低</li> </ul> ' (168 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-074 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Vertical Ignition Furnace ' (45 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28075, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (6 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 17 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1842 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 17 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000044ff0000000000000000 => (uid=18, pid=538)
name => protected '环形沉栏式冷却机 ' (8 chars)
shortDescription => protected '烧结矿高效冷却系统 ' (9 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>烧结矿质量稳定,有助于改善高炉性能</li> <li>由于优化了密封和装料,减少了冷却空气量,降低了电能消耗,提高了烧结矿冷却效率 </li> <li>启动速度快,维修方便</li> <li>投资成本低 </li> <li>维修成本低</li> <li>热量得到有效利用(点火 炉,废气循环系统)</li> </ul> ' (172 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-075 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Circular dip-rail cooler ' (44 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28078, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 18 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1843 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 18 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000045ac0000000000000000 => (uid=20, pid=538)
name => protected '烧结原料分析仪 ' (7 chars)
shortDescription => protected '烧结厂机器人方案 ' (8 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>采用工业机器人实现全自动原料分析</li> <li>原料取样标准化</li> <li>烧结原料测量(透气性、密度和湿度)高度灵活 </li> <li>实时测量保证了烧结参数优化</li> <li>由于掌握原料参数而提高烧结厂生产效率</li> <li>由于测量准确可靠而改善工 艺控制和稳定生产操作</li> </ul> ' (173 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-077 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Raw Mix Analyzer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28080, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (35 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 20 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1844 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 20 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000046800000000000000000 => (uid=39, pid=538)
name => protected '粒度监测器 ' (5 chars)
shortDescription => protected '传送带上物料粒度的声学测量 ' (13 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>粒度分布影响着物料在传送带交接点落下时发出的声音</li> <li>通过对声音进行分析,能够在线确定传送带上的物料流中特定粒度的比 例</li> <li>精度高——能够检测含有3%以上粉末的物料</li> <li>能够获得关于物料质量的更多信息</li> <li>由于改善了工艺 模型的数据基础而提高工艺稳定性</li> </ul> ' (178 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-008 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Grain Size Monitor ' (38 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 39 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1859 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 39 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000047290000000000000000 => (uid=40, pid=538)
name => protected '卸料监测器 ' (5 chars)
shortDescription => protected '卡车或货车卸料的声音监测 ' (12 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>对货车或卡车卸料时物料落下发出的声音进行分析</li> <li>确定卸料时间和卸料时长</li> <li>确定车辆类型(比如卡车 、货车)</li> <li>识别未经登记的卡车或火车卸料</li> <li>可以监督供应商自主配送物料 </li> <li>能够防止无意中使原料在 料仓中混杂</li> </ul> ' (168 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-009 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Discharge Monitor ' (37 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (7 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 40 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1860 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 40 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000047bc0000000000000000 => (uid=41, pid=538)
name => protected '布袋清理监测器 ' (7 chars)
shortDescription => protected '脉冲喷吹布袋过滤器装置的声音监测 ' (16 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>清理设备的状态和正常运行对布袋过滤器装置的整体性能有非常大的影响</li> <li>对运行过程中阀门发出的特征性声音进行分析 </ li> <li>了解实际状态和清理性能的总体情况</li> <li>只用一个声音传感器即可进行布袋过滤器装置所有阀门的状态监测</li> <li> 24小时自动监测布袋过滤器装置能够实施精准和高效的维修 </li> <li>提高布袋过滤器装置的作业率和性能 </li> </ul> ' (219 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-010 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Cleaning Monitor ' (40 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28088, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (25 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 41 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1861 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 41 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000048960000000000000000 => (uid=45, pid=538)
name => protected '设备位置监测器 ' (7 chars)
shortDescription => protected '在整个钢厂可靠地识别和跟踪冶金设备 ' (17 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>依靠射频识别或三维特征识别实现全自动设备定位</li> <li>适用于钢包、鱼雷罐、渣罐、废钢料篮、废钢溜槽、中间包、引锭杆、台车 等等 </li> <li>为全自动设备跟踪、排程和优化奠定基础</li> <li>避免了人工输入错误</li> <li>容易发现限制环节 </li > <li>通过准确了解设备历史而为维修工作提供支持</li> <li>提高设备耐久性和利用率</li> </ul> ' (212 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-011 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Equipment Position Monitor ' (46 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28090, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (8 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 45 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1865 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 45 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000049480000000000000000 => (uid=46, pid=538)
name => protected '布袋过滤器控制器 ' (8 chars)
shortDescription => protected '除尘设备布袋过滤器清理的智能化控制 ' (17 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>模块化软件设计和人机界面方便了与现有系统的集成</li> <li>在不同的工艺阶段可采用不同的清理模式</li> <li>动态优 化脉冲长度以达到最佳清理效果 </li> <li>在清理过程中监测阀电流</li> <li>提高布袋过滤器清理效率</li> <li>降低清理用空 气消耗量</li> <li>降低引风机能耗</li> </ul> ' (185 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-012 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Filter Controller ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28091, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 46 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1866 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 46 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000049f70000000000000000 => (uid=60, pid=538)
name => protected 'VAiron烧结优化器 ' (11 chars)
shortDescription => protected '烧结厂工艺优化 ' (7 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>实施标准化纠正措施和控制的专家系统——24小时执行最佳操作实践,不随班次而改变</li> <li>稳定烧结矿质量(碱度标准偏差减小 约15%)</li> <li>焦炭消耗降低3%</li> <li>产能提高5%</li> </ul> ' (128 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-032 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: VAiron Sinter optimizer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28103, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 60 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1875 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 60 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004a720000000000000000 => (uid=15, pid=538)
name => protected 'Sistema de Granulação e Mistura Intensiva (IMGS®) ' (49 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Sistema de preparação da mistura crua para sinterização ' (55 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Melhoria da homogeneidade da mistura crua de sínter</li> <li>Zona de queima mais equalizada</li> <li>Controle de ponto de queima ótimo</li> <li>Minérios e concentrados finos e ultrafinos e materiais retornados podem ser sinterizados economicamente</li> <li>Pátios de blendagem são obsoletos </li> <li>Maior produtividade</li> <li>Menor consumo de coque</li> <li>Re dução no consumo de eletricidade </li> <li>Melhoria no desempenho dos altos fornos</li> </ul> ' (474 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-073 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Intensive Mixing and Granulation ' (52 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28074, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (8 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 15 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1942 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 15 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004af50000000000000000 => (uid=16, pid=538)
name => protected 'Sistema de Recirculação Seletiva de Gás de Combustão (SWGR) ' (59 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Recirculação de gás de combustão para sinterizações ' (51 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Obtida através da recirculação do gás de combustão de volta para a esteira de sinterização utilizando o conteúdo de CO do gás</li> <li>Reduçã o do volume de gás de combustão na chaminé em até 50%</li> <li>Redução de a té 10% no consumo de coque</li> <li>Menor custo de investimento para instal ações de limpeza de gás; por exemplo: Sistemas DeSOx/DeNOx</li> <li>Redução da carga de SOx e NOx na atmosfera</li> </ul> ' (426 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-072 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Selective Waste Gas Recirculation ' (53 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=26131, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 16 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1943 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 16 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004b770000000000000000 => (uid=17, pid=538)
name => protected 'Forno de Ignição Vertical ' (25 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Sistema de queimador superior para ignição do leito de sinterização ' (67 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Uso de gás de coqueria, gás natural e gás de alto forno isoladamen te ou em misturas</li> <li>Menor comprimento do forno</li> <li>Ignição hom ogênea e eficiente na superfície do sínter</li> <li>Distribuição uniforme d o calor na câmara de aquecimento </li> <li>Rápida transferência de calor</l i> <li>Redução nas emissões de CO2</li> <li>Menor consumo de combustíveis gasosos</li> <li>Menor taxa de retorno de finos</li> </ul> ' (439 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-074 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Vertical Ignition Furnace ' (45 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28075, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (6 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 17 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1944 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 17 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004be60000000000000000 => (uid=18, pid=538)
name => protected 'Resfriador Circular Dip-rail ' (28 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Sistema de alta eficiência para resfriamento de sínter ' (54 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Qualidade estável do sínter para melhor desempenho do alto forno</ li> <li>Resfriamento eficiente do sínter mediante a redução do volume de ar de resfriamento e do consumo de energia elétrica devido à otimização da ved ação e carregamento</li> <li>Rápido início de operação e facilidade de manu tenção</li> <li>Redução dos custos de investimento </li> <li>Redução dos c ustos de manutenção</li> <li>Utilização eficaz do calor (forno de ignição, sistema de recirculação de gás de combustão)</li> </ul> ' (511 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-075 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Circular dip-rail cooler ' (44 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28078, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 18 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1945 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 18 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004c930000000000000000 => (uid=20, pid=538)
name => protected 'Analisador da Mistura Crua de Sínter ' (36 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Solução robótica para plantas de sinterização ' (45 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Robô industrial para análise totalmente automatizada de matérias p rimas</li> <li>Amostragem padronizada de matérias primas</li> <li>Medições altamente flexíveis (permeabilidade, densidade e umidade) na mistura crua d e sínter</li> <li>Otimização dos parâmetros da planta de sinterização por m eio de medições em tempo real</li> <li>Maior produtividade da planta de sin terização em função do conhecimento dos parâmetros das matérias primas</li> <li>Melhor controle de processo e operação estável devido a medições precis as e confiáveis</li> </ul> ' (558 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-077 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '105 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Sinter Raw Mix Analyzer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28080, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (35 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 20 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1946 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 20 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004d670000000000000000 => (uid=39, pid=538)
name => protected 'Monitoramento de Granulometria ' (30 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Medição acústica de granulometria do material em correias transportadoras ' (73 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>A distribuição granulométrica influencia o som causado pela queda do material nos pontos de transferência da correia transportadora</li> <li> A análise do som possibilita a determinação on-line de uma determinada fraçã o granulométrica no fluxo de material na correia transportadora</li> <li>Al ta precisão - é possível detectar materiais contendo mais do que 3% de finos </li> <li>Mais informações sobre a qualidade do material</li> <li>Maior es tabilidade do processo devido à melhor base de dados para modelos de process o</li> </ul> ' (544 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-008 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Grain Size Monitor ' (38 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (12 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 39 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1961 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 39 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004e100000000000000000 => (uid=40, pid=538)
name => protected 'Monitor de Descarga ' (19 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Monitoramento acústico da descarga de caminhão ou vagão ' (55 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Análise do som produzido pelo material que cai dos vagões ou camin hões durante a descarga</li> <li>Determinação do tempo de descarga</li> <l i>Identificação do tipo de veículo (por exemplo, caminhão, vagão)</li> <li> Reconhecimento de descargas de trem ou caminhão não registrado</li> <li>Pos sibilita a supervisão da entrega autônoma de material pelos fornecedores </l i> <li>Permite prevenir a estocagem em silos de matérias primas misturadas acidentalmente</li> </ul> ' (481 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-009 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Discharge Monitor ' (37 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected NULL
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (7 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (20 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 40 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1962 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 40 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004ea30000000000000000 => (uid=41, pid=538)
name => protected 'Monitor de Limpeza de Manga de Filtro ' (37 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Monitoramento acústico de plantas de filtros de manga de jato de pulso ' (70 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>A condição e a operação correta dos equipamentos de limpeza têm um a grande influência no desempenho geral de uma planta de filtros de manga</l i> <li>Análise de sons únicos e característicos emitidos pelas válvulas dur ante a operação </li> <li>Fornece uma visão geral da condição real e do des empenho da limpeza</li> <li>Monitoramento da condição de todas as válvulas de uma planta de filtros de manga usando somente um sensor acústico</li> <l i>Monitoramento contínuo automatizado da planta de filtros de manga possibil ita manutenção precisa e eficiente </li> <li>Maior disponibilidade e melhor desempenho da planta de filtros de manga </li> </ul> ' (661 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-010 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Cleaning Monitor ' (40 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28088, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (25 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 41 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1963 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 41 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
0000000000004f7d0000000000000000 => (uid=45, pid=538)
name => protected 'Monitor de Posição de Equipamento ' (33 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Rastreamento e identificação confiáveis de equipamentos metalúrgicos em toda a usina ' (84 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Localização totalmente automatizada de equipamentos baseada em RFI D ou identificação de características em 3D</li> <li>Aplicável para panelas , carros-torpedo, potes de escória, caçambas de sucata, calhas de sucata, di stribuidor de lingotamento contínuo (tundish), barra falsa, carros de palete s</li> <li>Base para a otimização, programação e rastreamento totalmente au tomáticos de equipamentos</li> <li>Evita erros devido ao lançamento manual de dados</li> <li>Facilita a identificação de gargalos </li> <li>Suporte à manutenção graças ao conhecimento preciso do histórico do equipamento</li> <li>Maior utilização e durabilidade dos equipamentos</li> </ul> ' (672 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-011 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Equipment Position Monitor ' (46 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28090, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (8 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 45 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1967 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 45 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
000000000000502f0000000000000000 => (uid=46, pid=538)
name => protected 'Controlador de Filtro de Manga ' (30 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Controle inteligente da limpeza de filtros de manga para plantas de despoeir amento ' (82 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Projeto de IHM e software modular para facilidade de integração ao s sistemas existentes</li> <li>Diferentes modos de limpeza para diferentes fases do processo</li> <li>Otimização do comprimento de pulso dinâmico para melhores resultados de limpeza </li> <li>Monitoramento da corrente da válv ula durante a limpeza</li> <li>Maior eficiência do processo de limpeza dos filtros de manga</li> <li>Menor consumo de ar no processo de limpeza</li> <li>Menor consumo de energia do ventilador ID</li> </ul> ' (512 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-012 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Filter Controller ' (41 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28091, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (18 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (15 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 46 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1968 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 46 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer)
00000000000050de0000000000000000 => (uid=60, pid=538)
name => protected 'Otimizador de Sínter VAiron ' (27 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Otimização de processo para plantas de sinterização ' (51 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Sistema especialista para controle e ação corretiva padronizada - operação contínua independente de turnos e de acordo com as melhores prática s</li> <li>Qualidade do sínter estabilizada (redução no desvio padrão de ba sicidade em cerca de 15%)</li> <li>Redução de até 3% no consumo de coque</l i> <li>Aumento de até 5% na produtividade</li> </ul> ' (357 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-032 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '190 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: VAiron Sinter optimizer ' (43 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28103, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 60 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1977 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 60 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer) modified
categories => protected (10 items)
00000000000055e30000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=3067)
name => protected 'Agglomeration ' (13 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (13 items)
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 104 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
00000000000021e50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype modified entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000055f40000000000000000 => (uid=1, pid=3067)
name => protected '製銑 ' (2 chars)
short => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (30 items)
uid => protected 1 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 51 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
00000000000056050000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=3067)
name => protected '塊成 ' (2 chars)
short => protected '多種多様な原材料を最高品質の製品へ ' (17 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 62 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
00000000000056520000000000000000 => (uid=1, pid=3067)
name => protected 'Чугун и ПВЖ ' (11 chars)
short => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (30 items)
uid => protected 1 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 63 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
00000000000056940000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=3067)
name => protected 'Агломерация ' (11 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 74 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
000000000000569b0000000000000000 => (uid=1, pid=3067)
name => protected '炼铁 ' (2 chars)
short => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (30 items)
uid => protected 1 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 75 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
00000000000057440000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=3067)
name => protected '造块 ' (2 chars)
short => protected '从原料多样性到产品优化 ' (11 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 84 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
000000000000574b0000000000000000 => (uid=1, pid=3067)
name => protected 'Produção de Ferro ' (17 chars)
short => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (30 items)
uid => protected 1 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 85 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
00000000000057f40000000000000000 => (uid=38, pid=3067)
name => protected 'Aglomeração ' (11 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (10 items)
uid => protected 38 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 94 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 38 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
uid => protected 2 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 247 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3069 (integer)
00000000000022230000000000000000 => (uid=2, pid=3069)
name => protected '烧结厂 ' (3 chars)
products => protected (69 items)
00000000000023300000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
000000000000256f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000026160000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000026bf0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
000000000000272c0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000028410000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
00000000000028e10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
000000000000297e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000002a810000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000002b450000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000002baf0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
0000000000002c460000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
0000000000002d640000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
0000000000002e160000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
000000000000438e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000044900000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
000000000000303e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000031760000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
0000000000001b260000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
0000000000002e900000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000002f550000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000030830000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
000000000000325f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000032a40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
00000000000033970000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000034800000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000035000000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000035820000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
00000000000035f10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
000000000000369e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
00000000000037720000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
000000000000381b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000038ae0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
00000000000039880000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
0000000000003a3a0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
0000000000003ae90000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000003b640000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
0000000000003be70000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
0000000000003c690000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
0000000000003cd80000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
0000000000003d850000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
0000000000003dbc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000003ed10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000003f870000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
00000000000040290000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000040bc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
000000000000416e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
000000000000421d0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
00000000000042980000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
000000000000440e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000044ff0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
00000000000045ac0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
00000000000046800000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
00000000000047290000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000047bc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
00000000000048960000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
00000000000049480000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000049f70000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000004a720000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
0000000000004af50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
0000000000004b770000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
0000000000004be60000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
0000000000004c930000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000004d670000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
0000000000004e100000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
0000000000004ea30000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
0000000000004f7d0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
000000000000502f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000050de0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538) modified
categories => protected (10 items)
00000000000055e30000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000021e50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype modified entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
000000000000569b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000057440000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000055f40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056050000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000056520000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056940000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
000000000000574b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000057f40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
uid => protected 2 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 208 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 3 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3069 (integer)
00000000000022b20000000000000000 => (uid=2, pid=3069)
name => protected '焼結プラント ' (6 chars)
products => protected (69 items)
00000000000023300000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
000000000000256f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000026160000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000026bf0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
000000000000272c0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000028410000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
00000000000028e10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
000000000000297e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000002a810000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000002b450000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000002baf0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
0000000000002c460000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
0000000000002d640000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
0000000000002e160000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000034800000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000035820000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
0000000000001b260000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
0000000000002f550000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
0000000000002e900000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
000000000000303e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000030830000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
00000000000031760000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
000000000000325f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000032a40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
00000000000033970000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000035000000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000035f10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
000000000000369e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
00000000000037720000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
000000000000381b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000038ae0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
00000000000039880000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
0000000000003a3a0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
0000000000003ae90000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000003b640000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
0000000000003be70000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
0000000000003c690000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
0000000000003cd80000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
0000000000003d850000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
0000000000003dbc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000003ed10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000003f870000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
00000000000040290000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000040bc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
000000000000416e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
000000000000421d0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
00000000000042980000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
000000000000438e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
000000000000440e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000044900000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
00000000000044ff0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
00000000000045ac0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
00000000000046800000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
00000000000047290000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000047bc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
00000000000048960000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
00000000000049480000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000049f70000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000004a720000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
0000000000004af50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
0000000000004b770000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
0000000000004be60000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
0000000000004c930000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000004d670000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
0000000000004e100000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
0000000000004ea30000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
0000000000004f7d0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
000000000000502f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000050de0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538) modified
categories => protected (10 items)
00000000000055e30000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000021e50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype modified entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000055f40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056050000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000056520000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056940000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
000000000000569b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000057440000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
000000000000574b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000057f40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
uid => protected 2 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 286 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3069 (integer)
00000000000022d60000000000000000 => (uid=2, pid=3069)
name => protected 'Planta de Sinterização ' (22 chars)
products => protected (69 items)
00000000000023300000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
000000000000256f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000026160000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000026bf0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
000000000000272c0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000028410000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
00000000000028e10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
000000000000297e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000002a810000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000002b450000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000002baf0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
0000000000002c460000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
0000000000002d640000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
0000000000002e160000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
0000000000004a720000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
0000000000004b770000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
000000000000325f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000033970000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
0000000000001b260000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
0000000000002e900000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000002f550000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
000000000000303e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000030830000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
00000000000031760000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000032a40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
00000000000034800000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000035000000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000035820000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
00000000000035f10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
000000000000369e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
00000000000037720000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
000000000000381b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000038ae0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
00000000000039880000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
0000000000003a3a0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
0000000000003ae90000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000003b640000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
0000000000003be70000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
0000000000003c690000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
0000000000003cd80000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
0000000000003d850000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
0000000000003dbc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000003ed10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000003f870000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
00000000000040290000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000040bc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
000000000000416e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
000000000000421d0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
00000000000042980000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
000000000000438e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
000000000000440e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000044900000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
00000000000044ff0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
00000000000045ac0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
00000000000046800000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
00000000000047290000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000047bc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
00000000000048960000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
00000000000049480000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000049f70000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000004af50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
0000000000004be60000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
0000000000004c930000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000004d670000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
0000000000004e100000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
0000000000004ea30000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
0000000000004f7d0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
000000000000502f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000050de0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538) modified
categories => protected (10 items)
00000000000055e30000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000021e50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype modified entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
000000000000574b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000057f40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000055f40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056050000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000056520000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056940000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
000000000000569b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000057440000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
uid => protected 2 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 332 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 4 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3069 (integer)
00000000000022fa0000000000000000 => (uid=2, pid=3069)
name => protected 'Агломерационная фабрика ' (23 chars)
products => protected (70 items)
00000000000023300000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
000000000000256f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000026160000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000026bf0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
000000000000272c0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000028410000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
00000000000028e10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
000000000000297e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000002a810000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000002b450000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000002baf0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
0000000000002c460000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
0000000000002d640000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
0000000000002e160000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
0000000000003b640000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
0000000000003c690000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
0000000000003d850000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000042980000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
0000000000001b260000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
0000000000002e900000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000002f550000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
000000000000303e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000030830000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
00000000000031760000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
000000000000325f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=19, pid=538)
00000000000032a40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
00000000000033970000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=407, pid=538)
00000000000034800000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
00000000000035000000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000035820000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
00000000000035f10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
000000000000369e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
00000000000037720000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
000000000000381b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000038ae0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
00000000000039880000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
0000000000003a3a0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
0000000000003ae90000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000003be70000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
0000000000003cd80000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
0000000000003dbc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000003ed10000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=538)
0000000000003f870000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
00000000000040290000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000040bc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
000000000000416e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
000000000000421d0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
000000000000438e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
000000000000440e0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
00000000000044900000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
00000000000044ff0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
00000000000045ac0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
00000000000046800000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
00000000000047290000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
00000000000047bc0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
00000000000048960000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
00000000000049480000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000049f70000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
0000000000004a720000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=15, pid=538)
0000000000004af50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=16, pid=538)
0000000000004b770000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=17, pid=538)
0000000000004be60000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=18, pid=538)
0000000000004c930000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=20, pid=538)
0000000000004d670000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=39, pid=538)
0000000000004e100000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=40, pid=538)
0000000000004ea30000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=41, pid=538)
0000000000004f7d0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=45, pid=538)
000000000000502f0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=46, pid=538)
00000000000050de0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Product prototype persistent entity see above (uid=60, pid=538)
000000000000539e0000000000000000 => (uid=41, pid=538)
name => protected 'Отслеживание очистки рукавов ' (28 chars)
shortDescription => protected 'Акустический контроль фильтрующих установок с импульсной очисткой ' (65 chars)
description => protected '<ul> <li>Состояние очистного оборудования и его должная работоспособность о бладают значимым влиянием на общую производительность рукавного фильтра</li> <li>Анализ характеристик и уникальных звуков, которые клапаны издают во вр емя работы </li> <li>Предоставляет обзор фактического состояния и эфф ективности очистки</li> <li>Мониторинг состояния всех клапанов рукавного фи льтра с помощью только одного акустического датчика</li> <li>Автоматизирова нное круглосуточное отслеживание фильтра позволяет проводить точное и эффект ивное техобслуживание</li> <li>Повышение эксплуатационной готовности и увел ичение производительности рукавных фильтров </li> </ul> ' (669 chars)
rpmKeyword => protected 'TP-010 ' (6 chars)
sysCategory => protected '196 ' (3 chars)
jarvisNote => protected 'Technology Package: Bag Cleaning Monitor ' (40 chars)
aktLanguageUid => protected 0 (integer)
image => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReference prototype persistent entity max depth (uid=28088, pid=538)
label => protected ' ' (0 chars)
subCategories => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (6 items)
labels => protected TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorage prototype object max depth (5 items)
download => protected NULL
uid => protected 41 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 1723 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 41 (integer)modified
pid => protected 538 (integer) modified
categories => protected (10 items)
00000000000055e30000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000021e50000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype modified entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056520000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056940000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
00000000000055f40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000056050000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
000000000000569b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000057440000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
000000000000574b0000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=1, pid=3067)
00000000000057f40000000000000000 => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Category prototype persistent entity see above (uid=38, pid=3067)
uid => protected 2 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 371 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 5 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 2 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3069 (integer) modified
uid => protected 1 (integer)
_localizedUid => protected 95 (integer)modified
_languageUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
_versionedUid => protected 1 (integer)modified
pid => protected 3067 (integer)
activeSubCategory => Seam\SeamProducts\Domain\Model\Subcategory prototype modified entity see above (uid=2, pid=3069)
hasActiveSubCategory => TRUE
aktLanguage => 1 (integer)