News & Press Releases
London, January 25, 2016
Primetals Technologies to engineer continuous caster and secondary metallurgy facilities for MMKI
Primetals Technologies has received an order from Ukrainian steel producer "Iljitsch" Metallurgical Combinate in Mariupol (MMKI) to engineer a continuous slab caster, a twin ladle furnace with an alloying station, and the associated dedusting system.
London, January 19, 2016
Continuous bloom caster and long-product rolling mills from Primetals Technologies started up at Hyundai
In October 2015, a continuous bloom casting machine, a large bar rolling mill and a small bar and wire rod mill supplied by Primetals Technologies were started up at the new special steel mill of Korean steel maker Hyundai Steel in Dangjin.
London, January 14, 2016
Coil Handling and Compactor system from Primetals Technologies for French stainless steel mill receives FAC
French stainless steel wire rod producer Ugitech has awarded the final acceptance certificate to Primetals Technologies for its custom engineering solution to upgrade and automate the compacting and coil handling process in the company’s rod mill, which recently achieved all performance goals.
London, January 12, 2016
Shandong Iron & Steel orders two continuous slab casters from Primetals Technologies
Chinese steel producer Shandong Iron & Steel Group Rizhao Co., Ltd. has ordered two twin-strand continuous slab casters from Primetals Technologies.
London, December 17, 2015
Nucor Nebraska selects Primetals Technologies to upgrade coil handling system
The combination bar-in-coil and rod mill at Nucor Nebraska will have upgraded coil handling equipment designed and installed by Primetals Technologies in September 2016.