Press Releases


Primetals Technologies to Streamline Hoa Phat’s Production Management

  • Manufacturing execution system (MES) ensures smooth and future-proof operations  
  • Closes gap between enterprise resource planning (ERP), scheduling, and automation systems
  • Further benefits for Hoa Phat include greater process transparency, an automated data flow, and efficient production management

Leading Southeast Asian steel producer Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel has recently chosen Primetals Technologies for the implementation of a manufacturing execution system (MES). The new software will manage production orders and material properties across the new production lines at the integrated steel plant in Dung Quat, Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. The result is enhanced operational efficiency thanks to the software enabling faster and more efficient processing of data and handling of information related to the production process.

“The MES relieves workload from operators, as certain manual tasks, such as inputting pieces of information from the order system into the production management system, are no longer needed. The system also protects Hoa Phat from the loss of production data,” says Louis Deaulmerie, Sales and Project Manager at Primetals Technologies.

Holistic and highly flexible

By the end of 2025, Primetals Technologies will have implemented new production lines for Hoa Phat consisting of two slab casters, one hot-rolling mill, modern automation systems, and comprehensive digitalization solutions. The MES will handle production orders, process instructions, and production data across the entire extended part of the steel plant. Additionally, thanks to the use of standard interfaces, the new system can be integrated into the existing process optimization systems from Primetals Technologies as well as 3rd party automation and software suppliers.

The project will be executed by specialists from several entities across Primetals Technologies’ global organization. As a software platform, they will be using the industry-leading PSImetals solution, which will be regularly updated and upgraded to keep its edge well into the future.

The largest steel producer in Southeast Asia

Hoa Phat is the leading industrial manufacturing group in Vietnam. Currently, the company operates in five sectors: iron and steel (construction steel and hot-rolled coil), steel products (including steel pipes, galvanized steel, drawn steel wire, pre-stressed steel), agriculture, real estate, and home appliances. Steel production is at the heart of the business, accounting for 90 percent of its revenue.

The largest steel producer in Southeast Asia, Hoa Phat boasts an annual capacity of eight million tons of crude steel. In 2021, Hoa Phat placed an order at Primetals Technologies for a greenfield project including two continuous casters and one rolling mill as well as process control and optimization software, the intelligent digital assistant Asset Life Expert (ALEX), caster and hot-rolling mill scheduling and the integrated digital knowledge-based quality control system Through-Process Quality Control (TPQC).

The production management system pre-project team consisting of experts from Hoa Phat, Primetals Technologies, and PSI Metals.